Sunday 29 November 2020

Major Johns.

 I was pleased to see one of the regular contributors on Anubis' Page,managed to recover some of the lost videos on the now vanished Major Johns website.

I liked it a lot when it was around,especially when mainstream scenes were shown on it.I even thought one of the now vanished female staff was nice and friendly at first.She was even very pretty,but now; I have nothing,but utter contempt and savage hatred for her.She spat her dummy out at me for no reasom,banning me from the site.All I did was to ask why the site was down,and she reacted totally wrong.

I also wasn"t pleased to see our confrontation on the Rob's Damsels website(I don't know if that site still exists) being posted on Anubis' Page to be mocked at.

A very bitter experience,and I've never forgiven some of those that fully enjoyed making fun of me.

What goes around,comes around.Remember that.

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