Monday 9 November 2020

Trouble on Deck.Part 1

"Hurry up Konnie,I want to get home before the sun comes up!" The luscious redhead waited at the front door of the Hooters restaurant,wearing the traditional orange hot-pants,the tight white vest with the Hooters name written on it and the traditional owl with white trainers.She wore light grey tights on her legs to complete her attire.She was exhausted from her long night of waiting tables,and fighting off the advances of conceited male customers,whilst they watched matches of their favourite football clubs on the many televisions the restaurant had to offer.Her rear end felt like a pin cushion,from all the non-consensual pats or pinches.

I've got to find another job,she thought as the lights inside the restaurant went out,before she glanced at the young woman she'd just spoke too.

"Apologies,Paula," the reply came from her work colleague hurrying up to her.This was Konnie:a very pretty young woman,who hailed from Pakistan.She too,was wearing the same Hooters uniform as Paula.

"I couldn't find my mobile." Konnie informed her.Her breasts weren't as impressive as her friend's,but both girls were highly attractive."Were we the last two here?"

"Yeah,just us." Paula nodded as she locked up the restaurant's main entrance."You got any big plans for the weekend?"

"Me and Steve are going to head over to the beach tomorrow.It's going to be so much fun! How 'bout you?"

"I've got an exam on Monday I have to study for,so I'll be cooped up inside all weekend." Paula groaned as she turned around to walk with her co-worker into the dark parking lot.The two English girls continued to chat as they  walked along,heading for the bus stop just a short distance away.Everything was quiet as they walked.In fact,the streets were deserted,but neither of the girls seemed alarmed by this..

"So how much did you make in tips tonight?"asked Konnie,texting on her mobile as she walked.

"I did fairly well tonight.The blokes in one corner were great,as they were very generous.Now,I might actually have some spare cash to treat myself.How did you do tonight?"

"No,I actually got stiffed twice! How do you get such great tips?"

"Easy! You just have to flirt with your customers.You know,show them a little skin;drop your pen on purpose and give 'em a nice show when you bend over to pick it up.You got a lot to know about waitressing."The girl shook her head as she suddenly noticed a figure leaning up against a building up ahead,smoking a cigarette.

"Whatever." Konnie responded."I'm not going to sacrifice my dignity for that."

Normally,Paula Ann would have come back with a snide comment,but her attention was still on the stranger in front of them.She started to get nervous as they approached the man,trying not to make eye contact.The girl held her breath as the couple walked past him,hoping he wouldn't bother either of them.

"Excuse me girls,could you help me out for a second?" He asked them.He looked middle-aged and wore an unkempt,rough looking beard as he approached the waitresses from behind.

"I'm waiting for a friend," the man continued,"but I think I'm on the wrong street.Could you point me towards Wiltshire Lane?"

Konnie tensed as she looked at the unattractive stranger.She didn't like the look of him at all.She was ready to tell him she wasn't from here and just walk in the other direction,but her friend never gave her the chance.

"Wiltshire Lane?" Paula asked,turning to face her friend."I've never heard of that road before.Have you, Konnie?"

",I don't think I have." Konnie responded,her nerves increasing with this man's presence."I guess we aren't going be much to help you." She started to back away,trying to motion for her friend to follow.

"Hold on,let me see if I can pull it up on my mobile." Paula Ann said,her fingers started to tap on its keyboard..

"Thank you so much!" The man replied as he took another drag at his cigarette,giving them an awkward smile as his eyes moved up and down the two young females.Konnie immediately noticed what he was doing,and this made her tense up even more.

"So did you two pretty ladies get off work?" He asked them politely.

"Yeah." Paula Ann answered,whilst she still continued to search for Wiltshire Lane."We work right up the road."

"And you two live together?"

"No,we just ride the bus home together," she answered him again.Looking up at the man,Paula furrowed an eyebrow."I'm sorry,but did you say Wiltshire Lane? My mobile isn't recognising that address."

"Oh,it's not important anymore,"said the man,grinning from ear to ear.

"What are you talking about?" Paula asked him,confused by the stranger's comment.

The two busty women hadn't noticed the two men creeping up behind them,until it was far too late.Without warning,a cloth soaked in chloroform was clamped hard over each of the girls mouths and noses,and both Konnie and Paula Ann were pulled tightly into the broad chests of the two men.

"Hmmmmpphh?!" Paula Ann cried behind the hand as she looked wild-eyed at the bearded man.

"Don't worry girls," he said,throwing his cigarette into the gutter,"these guys are with me."

Both waitresses attempted to scream for help,but they were both held in a vice-like grip.The two men chloroforming them dragged both Konnie and Paula into a nearby alley.The girls protests became weaker and weaker,as the chloroform slowly lulled them into unconsciousness.The two brutes who had grabbed them from behind,then lifted them into a firemans carry,and then threw the two,senseless girls into the back of a waiting vsn.They then climbed into the back themselves,slamming the doors shut behind them.

The bearded stranger climbed into the passenger seat of the van,and looked at the driver as he lit up another cigarette.

"Tell the captain to add two more girls to the auction list."

The van pulled down the alley and turned onto the desolate street,nobody around to witness the abduction of the two Hooters girls.


Portsmouth Docks:The Next Day.

The small,Royal Navy survey vessel:HMS Princess lay tied up alongside its assigned mooring bay.It had been commissioned by the Admiralty for almost three years now,as the ship was one of a kind.She was the first ship in the Royal Navy to be manned entirely by women.

To be more precise,the ship was operated by forty-eight female sailors,all young and beautiful.If the Royal Navy ever needed a go-to-team for a critical mission,the HMS Princess was at the top of their list.Captain of the vessel:Louise Jennings,had led her crew through many arduous battles,and had emerged victorious every time.Until today.

The HMS 'Princess' was a small ship in the Royal Navy,but it still had sleek lines and deadly weaponry.A 4.5inch gun was mounted on the forecastle,and there were several missile launchers with torpedo tubes,as well as mounted anti-aircraft batteries.It was a highly formidable vessel.

A small jeep was driving its way towards the ship.Two young women were sitting in it.Driving the jeep was Louise with her first officer:Naomi Bruce.Both were exceptionally beautiful.Louise had longer,raven hair falling down onto her shoulders.She had warm,hazel eyes.She was taller than Naomi,and had a very pleasing figure.Her impressive breasts held many admirers,but Louise was highly intelligent and she was a first class captain.Naomi too,knew her stuff.She'd actually finished in second place at the Royal Naval College at Greenwich,which was where all bidding officers went for their training..She had the same coloured hair as Louise,but it was shoulder length.Many admired Naomi's figure and her gait too.

Louise drove the jeep up to her waiting ship,and after stopping and exiting the vehicle,both her and Naomi made their way up the gangway onto the deck of the HMS 'Princess'.As they both reached the top of the gangway,several of her crew stood to attention there and one young pretty Ensign piped Louise as she boarded her ship.

"Captain on the deck!" Naomi yelled as she followed Louise on board,and was pleased to see all the crew present stand stiffly to attention.

One of Louise's bridge officers:Lieutenant Sarah Burns was there Louise noticed,and as she looked at her crew for a moment,Louise dismissed them to return to their duties.She also noticed Sarah:a very striking figure with her long blond hair and warm,blue eyes and her bridge officer,who was one of her communications operators stepped forward.

"Two messages for you,ma'am." Sarah informed her politely,and she handed over them over.

"Thank you." Louise nodded,and she quickly read them before she headed to the bridge.Once she arrived there,Louise noticed her bridge crew standing to attention and all were saluting her.

"Captain on the bridge!" Naomi called out as Louise walked on to it,and she returned the salute too.

"At ease,ladies." Louise nodded."Carry on.Naomi,you have the bridge.I'll be in my cabin."

"Aye captain." Naomi acknowledged that,and she immediately began to oversee preparations for the ship to depart.

Louise quickly made her way to her private cabin.As captain,she had a much bigger room to herself here.A better bed with a nice table and furnishings.There was also a personal computer for her use on the table,and upon entering her cabin,she immediately sat on the luxury,upholstered chair,Louise turned on the computer.

After waiting a few moments,she began to respond to the first message awaiting her.This was from Admiral Fisher,her superior officer.A man who had held his post for several years,and had been a keen supporter to Louise to grant her command.

Privately though,Louise didn't really like him.She could see the way he looked at her,and it was clearly a leering,almost lustful one.However,despite her revulsion at the man,Louise knew he was still her commanding officer,and she had to show her respect to him.

The admiral came through on the video-link on the computer instantly.Louise nodded to him respectfully.Admiral Fisher was a middle-aged man,having white hair and beard.He was dressed suitably in his own uniform,and he gazed intently at Louise.

"Good morning Admiral." Louise greeted him politely,although she utterly despised him peivately.He wasn't really on her side.

"Ah,good morning Captain Jennings." Fisher returned her greeting likewise."I trust your ship is ready?"

"Yes sir," Louise nodded."We depart on time.The ship is fully operational."

"Very good,captain.I have your orders sent out,and you will proceed immediately to that assigned area."

"Understood,admiral." Louise acknowledged respectfully."I have them here sir."

"Very good.Open them at once,Captain Jennings."Fisher ordered curtly to her,which Louise noticed,but due to him being her commanding officer,she was unable to rebuke him.

Louise read what was contained in her order file,and she saw several pbotographs of several young,highly attractive young women.

"All these young women," Fisher continued tersely,"have been reported kidnapped by pirates in the Middle East.I want you to conduct surviellance in those waters,and to identify and stop any  suspicious shipping.We may find out who these pirates are,although we strongly suspect they're involved in the white slavery trade."

"Yes,sir." Louise acknowledged that,pleased she'd been chosen for a mission like this.

"Very well.Good luck, Captain Jennings." Fisher said,albeit without any warmth.Something that Louise again noticed,but she couldn't say or protest to him over that.He far out-ranked her.

The video link was abruptly cancelled,and Louise began to read more on her latest assignment.It was then,that she remembered the second message awaiting her,and she smiled when she saw who had sent it.

It was a message from her elder brother:David.He was enquiring how she was and also asking to speak to her soon.She contacted him immediately.

"Hi Louise," David's face came upon the video link.His greeting was much more warmer than the admiral's.A fair haired man with blue eyes,and he was very powerfully built.Months of training as a currently serving soldier in the Special Boat Service,and he had fought in many campaigns,gaining vital experience in his battles.

"Hi David." Louise smiled warmly at him."How are you,big bro?"

"Good,princess." David frequently called his younger sister that fondly.They both shared an inseperable bond,and both had sworn to protect each other from harm."Any news?"

"We're just about to deploy." Louise answered."I'm just about to check my orders from Admiral Fisher."

"Hmm,was he okay with you?" David asked."I know you don't like him."

"He was okay,although I know he doesn't like women serving as crew,especially on board  my ship."

"I see.You know where you're deployment is?"

"The Middle East." Louise responded."Will you excuse me,David please? I've got a hectic day ahead of me."

"No problem,princess." David nodded his understanding to her." You still have my little present to you?" He raised his arm and rubbed his other hand on the wrist.This made Louise smile more warmly at him.She glanced down at the gold bracelet he'd given her for a birthday.It fitted around her wrist snugly and looked dazzling on her.Yet,Louise knew it was more than a nice bracelet.Inside it,was a homing beacon that David had fitted into it in case she got into trouble.

"Of course."Louise smiled warmly at him,as she too raised her arm to show rhat she still wore it."Keep in touch,David.Talk to you soon.Love you forever,big bro."

"Love you forever too,princess." He blew het a kiss and Louise did likewise,before she regretfully ended the call.

With that,the video link was terminated,and Louise then continued to check on her new orders.For this assignment,she needed as much information as possible to have any chance of success.

When she'd finished reading the reports,Louise headed back up towards the bridge and when she arrived there,Naomi noticed her captain enter.

"Captain on the bridge!" Naomi called out,making all the girls there stand to attention again.

"At ease,ladies." Louise told them,then she turned to her second-in-command."Report."

"All ship systems functioning,ma'am.: Naomi responded."Fully fuelled up and ready for her departure on your order."

"Very good number one." Louise kept her look at Naomi,nodding."Proceed."

Within a few minutes,all the thick ropes that had secured the HMS 'Princess' to the dock were cast off,and the ship's engines started.Soon,the ship was heading out into the English Channel,heading out towards the Middle East.

Back on the dock,the HMS 'Princess' departure was closely observed by two,very tough looking men.One of them pulled out his mobile phone and made a call.A man's voice answered him.

"They've just left,Admiral Fisher."the man informed him.

"Excellent!" Fisher's response was pleased."I'll contact our friends to tell them their latest shipment is coming.You know what to do."

"Yes,sir."the man answered."We'll be able to secure them when they arrive in our waters."

"Remember,not one is to be damaged.Secure and gag them by all means,and make sure you keep thar pretty captain for me,before we sell her and all her pretty shipmates to our buyers."

"Everything will be taken care of,admiral."the first man reassured."We'll be back in touch."

With that,the phone call ended and both men hurried away from the docks,highly eager to complete the next part of their mission.


Louise sat on her captain's chair in the middle of the bridge on her ship,watching her bridge crew making sure everything was running smoothly.She was very proud of all the girls under her command,knowing they'd all worked really hard to get here.

So far,the HMS 'Princess' continued to cruise smoothly through the calm English Channel,and Louise and her crew awaited their arrival at their designated area.The journey would take several weeks,but all the young women on board remained confident.

The journey was uneventful,and after finally passing through the Suez Canal,the HMS 'Princess' arrived in the waters of the Gulf of Arabia.

"Okay ladies,stay sharp." Louise ordered,before she turned to Sarah,now operating the radar screen." Report."

"Normal shipping traffic confirmed,captain." Sarah informed."All are broadcasting required codes."

"Very well." Louise nodded."Let me know of anything unusal."

"Aye captain."

Nothing happened for most of the day,and even though Louise and her crew kept their eyes peeled,nothing raised their suspicions.
It was beginning to look an empty day,when Louise was called over by Kelly: another one of her radio operators.Another gorgeous young girl,who was a shoulder length brunette..She immediately told Louise what she was hearing through her headphones she wore.

"Picking up a distress signal,ma'am." Kelly reported,still listening to the coded message through her head-set.She was also writing the position of the vessel on a note-pad.Once she'd done so,Kelly handed it over to Louise.

"Five miles away from us." Louise calculated from reading the note,and she turned to the helm,where Karen was steering the ship.Like all the other girls on board,Karen was very pretty,hailing from the Ivory Coast.Her dark skin well used to the heat conditions here,and her dark eyes always stayed alert.She immediately obeyed Louise's instructions to head towards the new position.

It didn't take long to reach the position,and Louise with Naomi,were looking through their binoculars,and they saw a massive cargo ship,completely still on the sea.

"That must be them." Louise commented,still examining the ship through her binoculars.She could see some distant fugures on board it,and they were looking back at her ship.She could see no sign of panic or anything wrong,and nobody was abandoning the ship.

"Incoming message,ma'am." Kelly reported."They"re asking for medical assistance."

"Can you ask the reason?" Louise asked her to send that message and Kelly promptly did,and she waited for the response.

"Fire emergency." Kelly told her as she listened to the reply.."Umable to treat casualties.Can you please help."

"Tell them we're coming over." Louise nodded.She then turned to Naomi."Take Lieutenant Burns and whatever medical supplies you need,and see what you can do to help."

"Aye aye sir." Naomi nodded and with Sarah in tow,both girls departed the bridge,leaving Louise to keep looking through her binoculars at the still unmoving ship.She was looking for the ship's name on the hull,and spotted it.The ship was called:SS SR.This made her turn ro back to Kelly.

"Find out about vessel SS SR Kelly please." Louise instructed."Ship's registry and port of origin."

"Yes ma'am." Kelly acknowledged,and Louise turned her attention back to the larger vessel.

Within a few minutes,Naomi and Sarah had  boarded a motorised speedboat with lifebelts on,and were now racing towards the massive vessel.It clearly dwarfed the HMS ' Princess',and both girls hoped they could help.

It didn't take long for them to reach the ship,and an embankment was attached to its hull,saving Naomi and Sarah the need to climb up any ladders.

Once they reached the embankment,three men were waiting for them.They all appeared tough looking and they were clearly examining the girls intently.
However,the men helped to secure the speedboat and helped the girls up.

"Good morning ladies,"one of the men greeted them."Thanks for coming over.We really could use your help."

"No problem." Naomi replied." What is it you need? You said it was medical?"

"Yes,ma'am,"the first man nodded."if you'll both follow me please."

He then turned to walk up the embankment to board the ship.Naomi and Sarah followed him with the two other men bringing up the rear.

Both girls were led up the ship's bridge,where they saw the captain and his own bridge crew waiting for them.The captain was clearly of Middle Eastern origin,and he looked mean and tough like a lot of the bridge crew.Naomi wondered if he came from Saudi Arabia.

"Captain Hasha,"the first man introduced him as Hasha stepped forward to shake Naomi's and Sarah's hand."These are the ladies that have come to help."

"First Officer Naomi Bruce of the Royal Navy warship:HMS 'Princess,captain.This is Ensign Sarah Williams." Naomi made het introduction politely.

"Welcome aboard ladies." Hasha smiled,which showed he had missing teeth.Both girls cringed inwardly at this,but Naomi was keen to offer the help.

"What can we do for you,Captain Hasha? You said you had a medical emergency?"

"Ah yes indeed." Hasha still kept his smile,and to both girls,it looked ominous.

"If you will follow me to my own private quarters please." Hasha went on."I will explain everything."

He then moved off with both Naomi and Sarah following,and two of the bridge crew also followed behind the girls.When they reached his private cabin,it looked very smart and extremely well furnished.Both girls wondered how he'd managed this.

Hasha then sat behind a desk and then asked:"Would you mind taking your lifebelts off please?"

"Well,we will have to head back to our ship captain." Naomi told him." I think it's better we keep them on sir."

"I perfectly understand." Hasha nodded." However,the medical treatment needed will perhaps keep you here for a while.So,it may be practical if you remove them."

"We will have to inform our ship,if we have to stay here for a bit." Sarah interjected.

" You have no need for concern." Hasha's tone was reassuring."As we speak,we are in communication with your ship,and are glad to be of assistance." Hasha's smile increased."Please ladies?"

Naomi and Sarah glanced at each other,but the former nodded and both girls removed their lifebelts to reveal their smart Royal Navy uniforms.

"Thank you ladies." Hasha nodded,still keeping his smile on."They will be taken care off,just as you will be." This time,the smile looked menacing as he spoke the last part.

Both Naomi and Sarah noticed the change in him,and were slightly uneasy on hearing this.

"What do you mMMMFFF!" Naomi was just starting to respond,when she felt herself being seized as her arms were roughly forced behind her back,and a hand clamped hard over her mouth.Sarah was also roughly seized the same way.Both girls eyes bulged as they suddenly realised they were both being chloroformed.Their struggles to free themselves were fruitless,and within a few moments both collapsed limply into the men who"d sneaked up behind them to grab them.

Hasha surveyed the two gorgeous young women and he drooled at how they looked in their uniforms.Later,he would enjoy himself with them,but right now,he had his orders.

"Tie them up and gag them,"he ordered the men."Put them with the others,and give me an update on the raiding party's progress."

"They're on standby captain,"one of the men informed him as he was tying Naomi's wrists behind her back with strong,brown hemp rope..Another crewman was doing the same with Sarah.

"Good." Hasha nodded."Remember to instruct them,that I want every single woman on rhat ship seized.There aee to be no injuries or fatalities.Do you understand?"

"Yes sir."

Pleased,Hasha then continued to observe his men continue to bind Naomi and Sarah's senseless forms.Both girls now had their hands tightly tied behiind their backs,and had also tied their ankles together.They then wound more ropes over and below the girls chests,making four loops each and pulling them tightly,making Sarah and Naomi's breasts much more impressive.

Hasha was fully enjoying the sight of his two,very pretty prisoners now tightly tied up.His men then gagged Naomi and Sarah,carefully placing a ballef up cloth into each girl's mouth,making sure their tongues were completely flattened before adding a white cloth into a tight cleave gag.This kept thr balled up cloths firmly in place.Finally,the men tore off a large,rectangular strip of silver duct tape,and with relish,placed the tape tightly over Naomi and Sarah's mouths,highly effectively gagging the girls.

"Good work." Hasha was pleased."" Take them below,and put them with the rest of our pretty catch.Now,it's time to grab the rest of them over there."

Grinning,the two men who'd bound and gagged both girls,easily lifted Naomi and Sarah into a firemans carry,and they left the room.

Hasha then moved over to the radio operator,and ordered him to put him through to one of his men,who was currently preparing his boarding party to seize control of the HMS 'Princess"

"Everything ready?" Hasha asked the boarding party leader,Keev.

"Aye sir." Keev's voice responded back immediately over the radio."Heading to the target now."

"Good." Hasha nodded,although he knew Keev couldn't see it."Remember your orders,Keev.Not one of the girls is to be harmed during capture."

"Yes sir." Keev acknowledged.

With that,Hasha then raised his own binoculars to scan the Royal Navy vessel,and within moments,he saw Keev's raiding party in two motorized,and very fast speedboats head towards the HMS 'Princess.'He was very eager to see all the girls remaining on board in his clutches.


Back on the bridge of the HMS 'Princess',Kelly had found the information Louise had requested on the ship they were attempting to help.

"Found it ma'am." Kelly called Louise over."Registered to Shiek Abdul,and port of origin is Yanbu Commercial."

Louise nodded."Send a message to the port's authorities of the current situation please Kelly."

"Aye aye captain."

"After you've done that,contact Naomi for a situation report."

"Yes ma'am." Kelly responded positively,as she immediately obeyed.The port of origin's response was instant,and Kelly reported this.However,she still didn't get a response from Naomi,and she informed Louise of this.Upon hearing this,her captain immediately ordered a call to the vessel they were attempting to help.There was an immediate response as Kelly listened to the message.

"They're requesring more assistance ma'am." Kelly reported."They're saying if we can send more people over with medical expeerience."

"Ask them to put my first officer please." Louise knew she needed to speak to Naomi

"Not available,ma'am." Kelly informed her captain.."That's what they're telling us."

Upon hearing this,Louise was now starting to feel uneasy,and she was getting concerned for her two crew members.She was just about to instruct Kelly to let her talk to the ship's captain,when a man's voice suddenly came in sharply from behind them.

"Hands up ladies!"

Louise and all the rest of the girls whirled around to face several,very tough looking men,and all were heavily armed. Kelly sitting at her position on the radio desk was closest to them,and she couldn't help but give out a frightened gasp on seeing the intruders.Louise recognised the deadly AK-47 assault rifle each of the men carried.She also noticed they all had holstered pistols and wicked looking blades.Two of the men also carried black holdalls over their shoulders,and each of the men was eagerly eyeing all the girls up.

"What the hell is this?" Louise demsnded."Who the hell are you?"

"Who we are my pretty,isn't that important,"the man known as Keev,now  closest to Kelly answered menacingly."However,if you value the lives of all your pretty crew here,then you'd better do as we say."

As if ti emphasise his point,Keev suddenly grabbed Kelly,pulling her up from her seat wrapping his arm tightly around her waist.The girl gave another frightened gasp as she was seized.

"Let her go!" Louise snapped at him.

"It is not my wish to harm any of you,"Keev  tightened his grip on Kelly,"but I am prepared to use harsher methods,if you refuse to co-operate."

Louise clearly recognised the menace in the last part of what he said.She knew these men had them all cold,and resistance would be suicide.

"Very well." Louise responded,keeping calm and controlled,although the fear in her was increasing.She knew these men were pirates,and they were after her and the whole of her female crew to seize for slavery.Not a pleasant thought.

"Good thinking captain,I knew you'd be sensibls." Keev nodded his approval,although he still held a tight grip  holding Kelly hostage nodded."Lie face down please,and put your hands behind your backs.That means all of you."

"Do as he says." Louise ordered,turning to face the girls on her bridge crew.They all did so.As she saw her crew obey,Louise turned back to face her captor.She could see was very strong,easily holding Kelly to him."Are you going to let her go?"

"Once you obey my instructions,"Keev told her in a calm voice."I will."

"It's okay." Louise reassured a still terrified Kelly."We'll be fine."

"On the floor please."Keev then ordered,and Louise reluctantly obeyed.Like all the other girls,she lay face down and placef her hands behind her back.She had an ominous feeling at what was coming next.Her suspicions were confirmed,when she heard the man baek out his next order.

"All right boys,tie these pretty ladies up."

Grinning,the two men carrying the large,holdall black bags moved forward.They opened up the bags and pulled out coils and coils of strong brown hemp rope,and some of the armed men moved forward to take the rope,and began to bind each of the girls wrists behind them The men doing the tying enjoyed hearing the grunts of the girls as they tightened the knots..Once each of the young and gorgeous women had their hands tied securely behind their backs,the men then wound more of the ropes over their ankles,adding more horizontal loops over and above their breasts.Each loop was tight,so much so,it even made each girl's chest much more impressive.

Seeing all the girls on the bridge being tied up,Louise also grunted in pain as her wrists were beimg bound.She too,gave another grunt when the final knot was tightened.It wasn't long,before more tight and horizontal loops were wound above and below her breasts,and then her ankles were secured together.

"Good work boys." Keev nodded his approval at his men's handiwork."Okay,now gag them."

"Hey!" Louise protested,not relishing that idea." You don't have to gag us!"

"Oh,but we do." Keev almost sneered out his response."Gag her first!"

The pirate who'd just tied Louise up,easily turned Louise onto her back,before roughly stuffing a balled up cloth into hsr mouth.The cloth flattened her tongue completely on the floor of her mouth,and the pirate then added a wide strip of white cloth,tying it around her mouth into a tight cleave gag.To finish it off,he then firmly sealed a large,recatangular strip of silver duct tape,making Louise tightly bound and gagged.

Once Keev was satisfied his prisoners were secured and silenced,he threw Kelly into the arms of one of his men,who caught her eagerly.

"Get her bound and gagged too." Keev ordered."Once that's done,get them ready for transport."

The men then moved to pick up each of all the girls,easily lifting them into a fireman's carry,before they exited the bridge.A lot of the girls mumbled fearfully behind their gags,but were totally unable to resist.

When one of the pirates came to pick up Louise's bound and gagged form,he noticed something.What he said next made Louise's heart leap into her mouth.

"Hey,the pretty lady's got a nice bracelet there." The pirate informed Keev."That looks expensive.Let's take it."

"Nnnnnn!" Louise tried to protest with her eyes wild with fear,She was frantically shaking her head,fully realising if she lost the bracelet David had given her,she was finished.

Fortunately for Louise,Keev came over to look for himself.

"Leave it," he ordered."I think it makes her more pretty.She may be the star of the show for our clientele.Now get back and help loading them all up."

The man didn't argue,as he obeyed.Keev then lifted Louise up to him,eagerly gripping her.He fully relished the alarm in the girl's eyes bulging up at him above her silver duct tape sealed firmly over her mouth,and he gripped her more tightly.

"So pretty." Keev gave her a chilling smile as he said that,lifting Louise's chin,admiring how highly attractive Louise was."I can't wait to see how much you'll fetch st the next auction.I think you may be our star prize,my dear."

Still tightly bound and gagged,Louise could only faintly mumble in protest.She was desperately trying to touch her bracelet to activiate the homing device,but the ropes tied over her wrists were making it next to impossible.

"Now,my pretty." Keev told her." It's time to enjoy some beauty sleep.Your ship and your pretty crew are ours now to enjoy."

He then spun Louise around,but still held her to him as he suddenly clamped a chloroform soaked cotton wool pad over Louise's mouth.The girl's eyes bulged even more wider,as she knew she wasn't able to alert David of her kidnap.With only a futile wasted struggle and a final sigh of despair,the blackness overwhelmed Louise as she fell limply in Keev's arms.

Pleased,Keev then lifted her onto her shoulder and carried his prize out.

To be continued..


N.B.Tbis was an original story request from the highly talented bondage author:boundbymywords,that I found on the Deviant Art website.Sadly,he's no longer active there,but his stuff is fantastic.I did really enjoy the original version he wrote for me,and I will post that here in due course.
However,I felt it could use a little more added to it.I will post part 2 in the future.