Tuesday 22 September 2020


 Two more commissions are currently being done,and having seen the sketches for them,I'm sure they'll go down well when I post them here when they're ready.

Still writing the latest current story,and I'm still some way off finishing it,but am just about at the half-way stage,and it's good fun thinking it out.

I still bitterly regret offering free stories.The 'bloke' who I offered it too,turned out to be a real nasty piece of work.He even accused me of being a faker,and after I'd put so much effort into it.

I'll never offer that again.

It's the same hard luck story when I offer commissioned stories.Nobody was interested,and that was a massive blow.I still hope to hear from two of my favourite bondage authors,but there's still only silence offered in reply back to me.

Just the luck of the draw I suppose.


Well,at least there's live footy on tonight.

Thursday 17 September 2020

New Blogger.

 Well,I've lost the old system here,as there's now a new interface,and I must admit it will take some getting used too.First impressions aren't good,as I have to figure where things are now.

Hopefully in the future though,I'll have mastered it,but will miss the old system.This new look doesn't really explain everything.

NB.Well,I finally found it.So simple too.

What a relief though.

Wednesday 16 September 2020

Meghan Markle is next

Decided to use Meghan as a future damsel.

Been thinking about this for some time,and I'm really looking forward to seeing this lovely lady bound and gagged
A great pity Meghan and Prince Harry have stepped down as senior royals,as Harry utterly despises the press for invading his privacy and constantly having photographs taken of him.I'm not really sure if his plan is going to work,but time will tell

Anyway,working with Matt on this is going to be a real pleasure,and Meghan will be a regular in my Sanna Menace story.

Sunday 13 September 2020

Kidnapped by the Nazis for the Fuhrer.White Tape Version.

Kidnapped by Nazis for the Fuhrer.

Latest commission in from Miles,showing Louise,Natalie and Meghan as RAF Fighter Direction Controllers,who have been seized by a small Nazi commando raid party.
All three girls have been tightly bound and gagged,and are now being driven to a secret location on the coast,where the Germans will ship them out to Germany,and eagerly deliver them to their beloved Fuhrer,who is eagerly awaiting the delivery.

First Victory!

 Moving away from my rants and moans (and especially the bad guys) it was great to see Newcastle finally getting an opening win on the first match of the new season,beating West Ham 2-0 on their own turf.

Let's hope this season isn't yet another,bitterly disappointing one.

Still,I fully enjoyed the match,and it's a good start.

Sunday 6 September 2020

Corporal Thea Ohu.

I have to admit I've been outraged,by reading what's happened to this young lady.
She's called Thea Ohu,a corporal currently serving in the US Marines.

Unfortunately,Thea has been the victim of a nasty sexual assault.She has survived the attack,but her family has said Thea suffers mental problems due to this.
What really angers me,is the way Thea's been treated by the US Marine Corp,who unbelievably have locked her up in the brig,instead of giving her the support she really deserves.

Semper Fi? Not on your life.

My best wishes to Thea and all her family.I really hope she pulls through successfully.How the US military can treat one of their own like this,is way beyond contempt.

A really beautiful young lady,and I honestly she pulls through this horrible nightmare.
Shame on the US Marine Corp officials,for doing these utterly contemptible decisions.

Lara in Trouble.

An excellent commission from Miles Hendon,showing yours truly racing to rescue,the very beautiful Lara Croft from going out with a nasty bang.

Might be worth writing a short story over that...

Friday 4 September 2020

Lexa Doig Commission.

Quite recently,I posted a couple of pics with Canadian actress: Lexa Doig,finally getting a full treatment scene in a murder-mystery tv show.

I have to admit,it's been long overdue.As I mentioned in the earlier post,Lexa did have scenes where she was restrained in the sci-fu show:Andromeda,but there was never a full treatment scene she did.Come to think of it,I can't recall any of the very pretty actresses got to do scenes where they were bound and gagged.I was very disappointed by this,in an otherwise,very entertaining show.The writers failed miserably in that area sadly.

Still,I was very pleased to get one of my favourite artists:Nightwing 1975 from the Deviant Art website.Here,I asked for Lexa to be bound and gagged in a Royal Navy uniform.