Tuesday 22 September 2020


 Two more commissions are currently being done,and having seen the sketches for them,I'm sure they'll go down well when I post them here when they're ready.

Still writing the latest current story,and I'm still some way off finishing it,but am just about at the half-way stage,and it's good fun thinking it out.

I still bitterly regret offering free stories.The 'bloke' who I offered it too,turned out to be a real nasty piece of work.He even accused me of being a faker,and after I'd put so much effort into it.

I'll never offer that again.

It's the same hard luck story when I offer commissioned stories.Nobody was interested,and that was a massive blow.I still hope to hear from two of my favourite bondage authors,but there's still only silence offered in reply back to me.

Just the luck of the draw I suppose.


Well,at least there's live footy on tonight.

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