Thursday, 1 August 2019

Was President Lincoln Racist?

I've been watching a couple of videos on YouTube,and was quite surprised to find a couple of videos that accuse President Abraham Lincoln,that he didn't really care about ending slavery in the American Civil War,but he actually wanted to preserve the Union.

I have to admit,that I didn't like watching those videos,and I was quite loathe to see these opinions;but it was an interesting alternative to his personality.
Indeed:General Sherman was a white supremist,as no doubt a lot of so called "people" were. Even General Grant's wife owned slaves.I'm not sure what General Grant's personal feelings were on the matter,but it's staggeringly inhuman to me,that extremist views like that existed.Even now,racism is still as powerful and a huge menace to decent people worldwide.I even read on American military naval ships,the ethnic groups are told to keep to their assigned areas.

If that is true,then the American Civil War,was fought for nothing.As well as every other decent person in later conflicts,to earn freedom for oppressed peoples-no matter what the colour of their skin.

I still regard President Abraham Lincoln,as one of my all time heroes,who stood firm to end the despicable slavery system in the south,but listening to the evidence offered by those that challenge this,I would be very,very disappointed in him.

For the moment though,I will always regard President Lincoln,as a true hero who was determined to stop fellow human beings suffering.

Rest in Peace,Mr President.


  1. I am AMAZED at your KNOWLEDGE and (more-importantly)

    1. I have always been fascinated by military history,right back to ancient times.
